Office Performance

The dynamics of CPU Turbo modes, both Intel and AMD, can cause concern during environments with a variable threaded workload. There is also an added issue of the motherboard remaining consistent, depending on how the motherboard manufacturer wants to add in their own boosting technologies over the ones that Intel would prefer they used. In order to remain consistent, we implement an OS-level unique high performance mode on all the CPUs we test which should override any motherboard manufacturer performance mode.

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

Dolphin Benchmark: link

Many emulators are often bound by single thread CPU performance, and general reports tended to suggest that Haswell provided a significant boost to emulator performance. This benchmark runs a Wii program that raytraces a complex 3D scene inside the Dolphin Wii emulator. Performance on this benchmark is a good proxy of the speed of Dolphin CPU emulation, which is an intensive single core task using most aspects of a CPU. Results are given in minutes, where the Wii itself scores 17.53 minutes.

Dolphin Emulation Benchmark


WinRAR 5.0.1: link

Our WinRAR test from 2013 is updated to the latest version of WinRAR at the start of 2014. We compress a set of 2867 files across 320 folders totaling 1.52 GB in size – 95% of these files are small typical website files, and the rest (90% of the size) are small 30 second 720p videos.

WinRAR 5.01, 2867 files, 1.52 GB

3D Particle Movement

3DPM is a self-penned benchmark, taking basic 3D movement algorithms used in Brownian Motion simulations and testing them for speed. High floating point performance, MHz and IPC wins in the single thread version, whereas the multithread version has to handle the threads and loves more cores.

3D Particle Movement: Single Threaded

3D Particle Movement: MultiThreaded

FastStone Image Viewer 4.9

FastStone is the program I use to perform quick or bulk actions on images, such as resizing, adjusting for color and cropping. In our test we take a series of 170 images in various sizes and formats and convert them all into 640x480 .gif files, maintaining the aspect ratio. FastStone does not use multithreading for this test, and results are given in seconds.

FastStone Image Viewer 4.9

Web Benchmarks

On the lower end processors, general usability is a big factor of experience, especially as we move into the HTML5 era of web browsing.  For our web benchmarks, we take four well known tests with Chrome 35 as a consistent browser.

Sunspider 1.0.2

Sunspider 1.0.2

Mozilla Kraken 1.1

Kraken 1.1



Google Octane v2

Google Octane v2


AMD A10-7870K Overview Professional Performance: Windows
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  • bji - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    "the release of a Kaveri Refresh line of APUs is not going to set the world alight in a miasma of queues outside brick and mortar stores or bundles of pre-orders"

    That is one of the weirdest sentences I have ever read in a tech article. WTF does this even *mean*???
  • Tegeril - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    ~"People wont be lining up around the world to buy them when they are released"

    Set the world alight - suggests attracting lots of attention to something
    Miasma of queues - oppressive lines
  • CZroe - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    "Miasma" implies formless emanations, like multiple lines snaking together to/from a dynamic mass (crowd).
  • nikaldro - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    Long story short : nobody will get their ass all excited about this
  • fteoath64 - Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - link

    Yeah, with the existing Kaveri, one can already overclock past the rated speed of this Godavari chip. GPU set to 950Mhz is wicked. Thats 10% over this chip, still with 512 cores.
  • ggathagan - Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - link

    Well, if that remains consistent, then Godavari should be able to overclock the GPU to 1142MHz.
    Even more wicked...
  • Ken_g6 - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    Basically, the response to this release won't be like the response to the release of a new iPhone.
  • merikafyeah - Tuesday, June 2, 2015 - link

    Essentially, panties will remain dry.
  • stephenbrooks - Saturday, June 6, 2015 - link

    Come for the reviews, stay for the odd phrasing.
  • jospoortvliet - Monday, June 1, 2015 - link

    If the Kraken and Sunspider test results are correct, they are nonsense... The extra 100 megahertz makes the 7870K 15% slower on Sunspider compared to the 7850K, while it is an equal percent FASTER on Kraken.

    Either the test is broken or something very weird is going on - really, this makes no sense. Unless, of course, the variety in the tests is easily +/- 35% but in that case - why even bother running it?

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